Welcome to our store...
Doris' Fresh Food is the premiere Yacht Provisioning and Gourmet grocery store in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Located on the Grenadine Island of Bequia, the biggest of the Grenadine Islands, Doris’ boasts a wide selection of gourmet foods to satisfy the tastes of any palate and/or occasion.
Wines, cheeses, fruit, sweets and hot beverages are only the tip of the iceberg at Doris’. In a word the experience is: EXQUISITE.

Who is Doris...
Doris Sachs is Vincentian-born but live for some time in Europe. Doris is German bi-lingual but she also speaks food quite fluently as the knowledge she retains on each and every product at her disposal is incomparable. Not only does she know the best uses of all her merchandise but she has actually used them and implements the practice of recommendation based on her own experience. It does not hurt that her friendly personality and ever-present willingness to help makes you comfortable enough to enjoy shopping with her.

Who is Owen...
Owen Belmar is also Vincentian-born and like Doris spent the majority of his youth travelling the world but as one of the best chefs to ever grace the seven seas. Now retired, he created DORIS' MARKETPLACE; utilizing his knowledge of food preperation, and gardening, he complements Doris' with an extensive platter of Baked Goods, Home-grown fruits and vegetables, as well as self-prepped Deli Meats, Poultry and Seafood. He also retains a wealth of knowledge on Wines and Spirits and should you need his help, you can find him in-store at any time.

How we do it...
When you walk into Doris’ Fresh Food you don’t just shop, you experience; and that may be one of, if not the greatest, pleasures on the island. In 30 minutes you can visit The Orient, France, Spain, Switzerland, Asia, Australia and lest we forget, The Caribbean. You can be sitting in a deli at one moment and then off to an exotic café you go. The possibilities are endless and are provided by 2 things: quality and variety. Doris’ also offers a wide selection of alcoholic beverages like rums, brandy’s, vodka’s, beers, wines of course, gins and lots more. Whether it be cooking at home for the family, a grand celebration or just a small get-together, you are assured to find something at Doris’ to give the event that extra kick.
As if the assortment within the cultural diversity of the store were not enough, Doris’ also takes provisioning orders to make life easier for you. A list can be faxed or emailed to her with your requirements and due date and she will be your personal shopper, promising both quality and punctuality as the food is delivered to you as per requests. She provisions yachts, inns, guest houses and the like, as long as you want it, you will get it.